Archana : One of The Nine-fold Bhagavatic Devotion Sravana (Hearing),Kirtana(Glorification)and Smaranam(Remembering) are the foundation of Vaishnava Devotion ;after attaining the taste for Lord’s Service,a devotee further continues the Bhakti Yoga with PadaSevanam (serving the Lotus Feet of Sri Hari),Archana (Detailed worship),Vandana (Prayers),Dasya (Servitude) ,Sakhya (Friendly attitude) & Atmanivedanam (Surrender).Archana or worship is one of the scriptural way to increase the Bhava (sentiments) for the Lord. In the Uddhava Gita of Srimad Bhagavata ,Sri Krishna explanied this Archana Vidhi to His devotee Uddhava ; As per krsna’s conclusion ,this archana can be done by observing the Vedic , Tantric or Mixed ways .But, The Vaishnava Archana is also bit different than the other Vedic or other worship methods ; As in the Holy Bhagavata itse...
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